Ramblings of a photographer
Ok I have been informed that I NEED to be doing a blog, I have tried before and was terrible at keeping it up to date, however I hope to be much better with at least a monthly to bi-monthly blog posts.
Most of these posts will be utter rambling thoughts of being a photographer, father, husband and so forth. Of course most of it will be photo-centric. So if you want to keep up with my antics, want an update on my life with my totally kick @ss wife and kid, talk shop (gear, marketing,licensing, rates) maybe we will get a guest post or even get crazy and do a pod cast from time to time… or if you want to get all philosophical like about photography, and art and why we are driven to create it; drop me a line, leave me a comment, or send me a goofy selfie.
So if you want the quick version of me just visit my ABOUT page on the main website. if you want the long inexhaustibly boring story I will give it here in 100 words or less; right, 100 words come out of my mouth before my wife even has a second thought in her mind when I “accidentally" wake her up and want to run a an idea past her. She was warned, sort of…
So a bit about me: I was born and raised and we continue to raise my family in the “ shadow of the everlasting hills” the Wasatch hills that is. Utah is home and think it always will be, maybe Montana sometime in the future.
I fell in love with photography in high school, I had always loved art and creating things with my hands, but always thought Photography was such a cop out because well all you had to do is push a button, right? well one week into my required photography class and I was hooked!
Fast forward four years to receiving an acceptance letter to BYU’s photography program, where I met some amazing friends and extremely talented photographers and artists. In my last year of school I met my amazing wife!
The way that story goes is her deciding she didn’t like me over a cup of terrible Starbucks hot chocolate, I'm a Stephen's guy myself. A couple month go by and she needs family pictures… so of course she gets back in touch with the photographer she went on a single date with… a few dates later, helping her mom move, then packing Rachel up to move to Texas; where she spent 48 hours before she realized she maybe kind of wanted to marry me. I hopped on a plane and was in Dallas 24 hours later where we jumped in the car and took off with her fuming sister in the rear-view mirror. This was July by the way and on November 18th we were married in Draper Utah. One of the greatest days of my life, only to be matched by the days our two sons were born.
Two years to the date our first son, Jonas was born. We discovered at 16 weeks that he was not developing properly which caused a whole mess of problems (too many to list really). we had been prepared for the worst case of a still birth, however we were and continue to be very blessed to have had the opportunity to meet him hold him and cherish him for 15 sweet minuets, more than our wildest dreams! He was an absolute trooper and wanted to meet the two crazy people who brought him into this world. Now for any of you crying out there, I wish I could describe to you the feeling he brought into our home. while there were many sad days afterward we were comforted by our faith and the prayers of many close family and friends, not to mention totally awesome congregation! He continues to influences us everyday and helps us appreciate and cherish his younger brother, and future siblings.
A short year and a half later our second son Milo was born, as with most parents I think he is the greatest kid EVER! but in my case, that is because he is. ha! While you may have a hard time finding him online, he dose exist and we are so happy to have him and I can not wait until he is hiking and fishing and camping with me!
As for my photography.. well, I will have plenty of thoughts about it but I will just say it has been a journey and continues to be. It really is how I react to and see the world around me and a lot of it is about refusing to allow the world around me to dictate my life, so when someone tells me you have to live in the real world I take it as a challenge to rise to. To show them that their system can be hacked it can be done differently and my Kenny Loggins “Danny’s song” world can and does exist! like most creatives my ideas and thoughts are like cats, so most of my time is spent herding said cats.
So in a nutshell that is me, I hope I have not bored you entirely! So here we go on this blogging adventure, I hope you you will find the information on the blog enriching. Please feel free to drop me a line, or join in on the conversation, Id love to get you input and insight on things that come up!
The Extended "ABOUT"....
in personal