
Retouching is an art form, I will say that, especially with all of the tools we have now a days. Raw, raw processors, presets, photoshop, and the list goes on and on. Right before graduating from BYU I was lucky enough to intern with the infamous Matthew Turley who, needless to say, is a digital ninja on top of being an amazing photographer. ( Yeah, I know they usually go hand in hand). During that time I learned a TON of retouching techniques! Muchas Gracias Matthew! Well I took this shot last year while up at Sundance resort assisting on Deseret Book's Christmas catalog. This particular image didn't take much in the way of post-production, but at the time i thought it would be fun to make a screen video of some of the ways I work. I will be posting more in the future including some fairly complex work I do for Sundance's jewelry catalog. I hope you enjoy!
